
About Client

Edugraff is an Australian EdTech company providing a versatile and intuitive online tutoring platform for students, teachers and coaching centres.


This client was introduced to us by one of our friends. He said that the client is trying to build an online tutoring platform and his initial attempt did not materialise. This gave us a chance to co-create a detailed specification using the client’s inputs. This was the beginning of a long term relationship and success story. The client wanted features that are easy and fun to use. Also flexible to the needs of their end users who are students having individual learning requirements and online teachers with subject matter expertise.


When they approached us, the client was going through a journey of identifying their end user needs in detail. We need to form a team that worked together with client to create a good requirement specification document.


We developed a Minimum Viable product that met their needs and structured the platform to be scalable, reliable and secure. Further upgrades were done by working along with the client, and creating a change management system so that requirement changes were well captured. We realised that the best approach was to build in stages or short sprints. So we were able to focus on the changing needs of the client as the client discovered new requirements and validated its outcome. We suggested an AWS hosted PHP Yii 2.0, MySQL platform for a faster turnaround. The features included are a whiteboard for one-to-one and group classes, session scheduling, CCAvenue integration for billing, student wallet, and chat. Security and scalability were the other two major factors that we considered while selecting the development platform. is having students and teachers from many parts of the world. Further enhancements are being done too.

Result is having students and teachers from many parts of the world. Further enhancements are being done too.


Try, try and try again, this is the success mantra! This project reiterates the necessity of having a proper system study and documentation of requirements prior to spending time on development. A good lather is half the shave! The project also gave as insights into the importance of an effective change management system and providing a solution that is cost-effective now and while scaling up.









Online Tutoring Platform

B2B and B2C Online Tutoring SaaS Platform

Technologies Used

Maybe, you have failed in your attempt to translate your idea into a software solution, but that doesn’t mean that you will always fail with it. Get in touch with us if you want give it another shot.