Technologies Categories


We continuously learn and adapt to new technologies. The requirements are thoroughly evaluated before suggesting suitable and viable technologies for the project.

The part of web development that focuses on what users view on their end is known as frontend development. Our professionals will also enhance your user experience with the newest front-end technology. The core technologies we use are VueJS, AngularJS, ReactJS, HTML, etc.

Backend frameworks, backend development platforms, and server-side programming languages are examples of server-side technology. The Technologies we use are NodeJS, PHP, Python, ColdFusion, etc.

Web application frameworks, often known as server-side frameworks, make web applications easier to code, manage, and scale. Laravel, Yii, Django, Flask, FW/1, Fusebox, CFWheels, MG, Mach II, and others are among the frameworks we offer.

Database technologies gather information and store, organise, and also process it in a way that allows users to go back and discover details they’re looking for quickly and intuitively. Our Database Technologies includes Mongo DB, Maria DB, MySQL, MS SQL, MS Access, etc.

Mobile app development is the process of creating apps for mobile devices. These programmes can be pre-installed as well as downloaded and installed later by the user. We Offer various Mobile/PWA/Hybrid Application Development such as Kotlin, Flutter, Meteor, Swift, Android, IOS, etc.

Infrastructure, platforms, and software that are hosted by third-party providers and also made available to consumers via the internet are known as cloud services. We offer cloud services such as AWS, Azure, Galaxy, Atlas, etc.

A CSS framework is a set of CSS files that may be used in a variety of web development as well as design projects to save time structuring layouts, fixing typography issues, and assuring browser compatibility. The frameworks we use include Buefy, Bulma, Bootstrap, CSS, etc.

E-commerce refers to the online purchase and sale of goods and services, as well as the payment and data transmission required to complete the transaction. We use various customizable eCommerce WordPress plugins such as WooCommerce to build online shopping carts.

A content management system, or CMS, is software that enables people to generate, manage, and also edit website content without requiring specialist technical skills. We use CMS software such as WordPress to build business websites, blog pages, portfolio, or online store.